Brand U - Branding Yourself for Success

The theme from this past week's GNAR convention was on branding and how important it is to establish your own personal brand.  Ultimately our clients work with us not only because of what we do for them, but because of who we are as individuals.  We want our own personal brand to be recognized and to tell a simple story that describes who we are and the experience a client should expect when they use our services.  The key note speaker was Chris Hogan who works for Dave Ramsey.  I thought he made some great points in his address to the luncheon crowd related to building a brand and wanted to share those with you.

Branding You

  • People trust you not your employer
  • Keep your social media current
  • Associate your brand with other well-known brands (it builds credibility)
  • Leverage what makes you different from everyone else
  • Keep it simple
  • Share the good news
  • Create a cultural connection through meeting an emotional need for your customers
  • Cultivate trust
  • Pull people in with the power of your story
  • Know who your competition is and what makes you different
  • Show your passion for what you do
  • Don't be afraid to make a course correction if needed
  • Intentionally network
  • Don't be needy (serve don't sell)
  • Become a trusted adviser in your area
  • Be a giver
  • Stay centered (not balanced, centered)
  • Be effective (not popular)
  • Your word is your character and your work is your reputation
  • You are always getting better or getting worse - nothing ever stays the same

If you want more of Chris Hogan, check him out at