Planning for Success

If you want a great way to get a little traction for your plans for 2015, I’ve attached a form (click here to open in a new window) that you could use that will help you not only formulate a solid plan of attack, it will also give you a living and breathing document that you can use to monitor your progress throughout the year. For those of you that were able to attend Doug Smith’s sales event that F&M sponsored a couple of weeks ago, you already have a copy of this document. If you attended, you already had the opportunity to fill one out. If you were unable to attend, this document is pretty simple to follow and will allow you to get your goals in writing. Once you have put this information in writing, it becomes a binding agreement that you make with yourself to perform the necessary activities to make your goal a reality. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

I appreciate everything you have done to help me have such tremendous success in 2014. I’m more excited about 2015 than I can remember being about any upcoming year. My passion for helping clients buy homes and coaching them on how to structure their financing to meet their life’s goals has really been rekindled this year and I’m excited about the opportunities ahead. I hope you share that same enthusiasm and are ready to make next year your best ever!