Are You Ready

This week I asked a Realtor friend of mine how things were going.  She said her business had definitely slowed down and that the lack of inventory was certainly limiting her potential buyers from engaging in contracts right now.  But she also said that she was being very productive in mapping out a plan for next year and beyond.  She is being coached by another Realtor, who is a top national producer in another state, on ways to improve her daily activities to produce better results.

What about you?  What are you doing between now and the end of this year to prepare for next year – so that it will be your best year ever?  Here are some thoughts:

  • Hire a coach of your own to make recommendations of things you need to get better at or stop doing
  • Attend a seminar or workshop on selling fundamentals
  • Commit to reading books or other material relevant to your occupation
  • Get in shape
  • Call everyone in your database to wish them happy holidays or provide something of value to them
  • Analyze your daily routine to see where you can spend more time devoted to the things that make you money versus those that don’t.

These are just a few items of a much larger list of things you can be doing right now to get better. The projections from NAR indicate that next year should be very similar to this year from a number of sales standpoint (projecting 5.1-5.3 million in total sales; this year’s number should be right at 5.1 million). So there is likely not going to be more houses to sell than what we had this year. That means to have a better year in 2015 than you had in 2014, you are going to have to be better than you were – and better than those that do what you do. Don’t just ease into the new year casually because "it’s the slow time of year." Take it by storm!  Now is the time to get ready to make 2015 the best year ever!!!